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Level 4 courses allow you to obtain double certification: high school education and professional certification. To enroll in the courses, it is necessary to complete the 9th year of schooling.
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Below are indicated level 4 important courses for the automotive industry.

Electronics and Automation

Electronics, Automation and Control Technician

Professional Profile: Carry out the installation and repair of electrical/electronic, electromechanical and automation and control equipment, ensuring the optimization of its operation, respecting the safety standards for people and equipment.
See here schools that offer this course.

Electronics, Automation and Instrumentation Technician

Professional Profile: Carry out the installation, maintenance and repair of electronic, automation, instrumentation and control equipment, ensuring the optimization of its operation, respecting the safety standards for people and equipment.
See here schools that offer this course.

Construction and Repair of Motor Vehicles

Automotive Mechatronics Technician

Professional Profile: Carry out maintenance, diagnose anomalies and carry out repairs on the various mechanical, electrical and electronic systems of light vehicles in accordance with the parameters and technical specifications defined by the manufacturers and with the applicable safety and environmental protection rules.
Check here for schools that offer this course.

Automotive Production Technician

Professional Profile: Collaborate in production scheduling, coordinate and supervise the activities of one or more production areas and produce components or motor vehicles with a view to optimizing the production process and in accordance with hygiene, safety and environment standards.
Check here for schools that offer this course.

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